Jonathan Majors
Not in conversations for Marvel Comback
Jonathan Majors is not considered to return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe … at least not at the moment … despite the opposite.
Several sources with direct knowledge say TMZ … Jonathan did not have any talks about returning to the MCU after he was booted in 2023 after a culprit judgment in his criminal proceedings.
Despite the rumors about a possible return that is obtained on fan websites of fan websites, our sources say that the studio is not considering bringing Jonathan back into the MCU fold.
Jonathan was well on the way to becoming Marvel's great villain, Kang The Ero -Boherner, a few years ago … but everything came only a few hours after he found guilty in two out of four cases in his criminal proceedings, in which he was Was in which he was in which he was accused of upgrade his ex-girlfriend.
Since then, the majors have worked hard to rehabilitate his image … but a MCU return is not in the cards … at least for the time being.