An NBA fan earned $ 100,000 on Sunday night when Damian Lillard surprised to win a three -point shooting competition.
The challenge, organized by Youtuber Mrbeast, saw a fan named Jaren to face the Bucks star before the ascent team Stars faced the All-Star team recruited by Shaquille O'Neal in the new aspect, the format of the format of three games.
Jaren had to make a deep triple of the logo before Lillard could do three to earn the money.
And although it seemed that the fan was going to run out of time to do so, he accumulated spectacularly in a triple in the bell to earn money, since O'Neal, Kenny Smith, invaded him and a pack of pets.
Jaren later sat on a container full of cash when Stephen Curry and Lillard, who had only made two three, threw dollar bills.
“This is surreal,” he said later.

Jaren celebrates with Shaquille O'Neal and Kenny Smith after making a $ 100K shot

The fan said that the moment was 'surrealist' after he sat in a container full of cash

Lillard congratulated the fan later when the couple shared the five on the court.
While Lillard had not made enough triple to win the competition, Jaren was about to run out of time to usurp the star, since Mrbeast said they were approaching a commercial break.
The money would have gone to charity if Jaren would not have won.
Fans drove away from Jaren's annoying when they reacted to the annoying on social networks.
'Tell my children Damian Lillard lost a 3 -point shooting competition to a child with a salmon named Jaren,' one He said in x.
'IDK that Jaren's last shot had an aura, a second aggregate.
And a third said, I will never forget where I was when I give me lost to Jaren.
Lillard's defeat against Jaren came before he adapted to Shaq's OGs in the new All-Star game format.
The guard scored nine points and hit the winning shot of the game for his team.