No, going around: Great Britain needs more Americans

Through the Leicester Square in the center of London means to plummet the senses. The pressing tourists, the disgusting lights of his oversized casino and the M&M shop as well as support the unknown guitars of the buskers in one of the best cities in the world.

The area also symbolizes an inevitable truth about London: Without the difficult masses of tourists and the attractions they are supposed to have fun, the city could completely dissolve.

Although most Londoners (enclosed) would make great efforts to not admit it, the capital needs millions of inconsistencies every year. Therefore A Current analysis Showing of tourism numbers is so alarming compared to the era taken before the Kovid period.

Most of the well-tried world has recovered from Pandemic closings. For example, the California tourism industry brought in 150 billion US dollars In 2023 he exceeded the result of 2019; The expenses in Los Angeles had also expired in the same period. But the city, which describes itself as the “largest on earth”, seems to lose the affection of the visitors.

The Americans remain the best customers of Britain in both the number of visitors and money, with more than a third of the US tourists from California or the Greater New York City region. In 2023A quarter of all visitor money issued in Great Britain came from the USA.

But that once seems to fade quickly from our picturesque accents, historical buildings and rustic pubs. High prices and taxes are part of the problem.

Great Britain's electronic travel authority was launched for visitors from the United States and other countries in January and the Americans accused around $ 12. (According to reports, a fee of 20 US dollars is already taken into account.) The passengers of the United Kingdom are among the highest in the world. Tourists can no longer get back the 20% value number tax for purchases that you make in Oxford Street or in Harrods. And the government is considering a city's hotel tax similar to that of Venice.

Meanwhile, the London tube is one of the most expensive U -Bahn systems worldwide. A ticket costs a third more than the tariff for a comparable trip to San Francisco's Muni. And to spend the night in a four-star hotel for the night Set it back more than in La, Dubai or Tokyo.

Is it a miracle that we slide down the ranking? These increasing costs in combination with bleak weather and a not inconsiderable output of rabies output Anti-English news Elon Muschus hardly helps our cause. Visitbritain, the official tourism sponsor of the UK, recently started A Video campaign Winning tourists with British locations in Hollywood films and television, but it will take more than a clip from Zendaya on a red bus to fill the city again.

Some natives could look forward to (slightly) less overcrowded sidewalks. Every Londoner secretly believes that it can be attended by the privilege of tourists usfinally. But it is stupid to ignore what they bring to the city. London's buzz is partially fueled by holidaymakers who are displaced from one outpost to the next. Our constant pouring out new events and food and drink offers is shown because we know that the world is watching and that we have the call to maintain.

London has 85 restaurants with a Michelin star (compared to 74 in New York and 24 in LA). West end phases filled with megastars every night; Street carnival; Pull bingos and brunch; Pop-ups numerous; And queues that expand for the latest viral bakery. For a nation that would be hidden with a cup of tea, on the whole, when it is called the roof to the next from one bar to the next, the reality is that a lot of what is in London is not a Londoner, but a performative attempt to keep our status among the outsiders.

Without someone to see the fruits of this work-and above all that they spend in their holiday style, where locals are no longer the capital, as we know that they would die. The appearance of appearances is the UK National Sport. Otherwise we do that – ourselves?

In order not to concentrate on London and ignore the rest of the Great Britain (a stereotype of Londoners, which is very true), it is worth noting that the capital is the entry point for the country for most travelers. It is our task to save in arrivals with mega-controlls in football stadiums, rehearsal sales and breathtaking museums. It is the work of the provinces to serve castles and historical corners, beaches and the gentle hills from which Edwardian novels consist of. The further the London seal of approval falls, the worse the effects on the rest of the country.

It is completely not British to admit to need help, especially from America. But London is dependent on his status among us travelers – and perhaps most importantly the ability to attract a new generation of them.

Charlotte Lytton is a journalist in London.

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