Jamele Hill issues a furious answer to ESPN Show's statements was canceled because he became 'Woke'

The former ESPN star, Jemele Hill, has responded to the statement of “Alumnus of the horn” Jay Mariotti of “around the horn, the show that the program was canceled because it became” awakened “and was full of anti-donald Trump personalities.

Mariotti was one of the original renowned newspapers columnists to appear in the ESPN interview program with Woody Paige, Jackie Macmullan, Tim Cowlishaw, Kevin Blackistone, Bill Plaschke and more.

As 'Around the Horn' transmits its final episode in May after a career of more than two decades in the sports network, how the program changed its tone and moved fans away due to the political rhetoric of its panelists is the reason for its disappearance, according to Mariotti.

'John Skipper ran ESPN at that time. I think what John Skipper wanted from some of the programs was that he began to install people in the programs that became anti -Trump, can I say so? Mariotti said Reception sports.

'Our show was about sports. Honestly, we deepen politics. But you were never going to tear the president or praise the president. We are not going so far. I started seeing the program and seeing depressed people and outside Anti-trump.

'I am not going to tell you if I am a Trump type. That is really irrelevant. I didn't want to see a sports show and see him deepen that. And I think it began at the top of the management, at that time, that they wanted this to be the tone of the show. Jamele Hill gave him his opinion. Michael Smith gave his opinion. I was like, “can we go back to this?”

Jamele Hill has responded to the student's anti-trump claim

Jamele Hill has responded to the student's anti-trump claim

Mariotti was one of the original renowned newspapers in the interview program

Mariotti was one of the original renowned newspapers in the interview program

Hill, who was suspended by ESPN in 2017 for calling Trump a racist on social networks, was a frequent taxpayer much less frequent in the program and rarely overcame Mariotti.

Hill came out of ESPN in 2018, while Mariotti has not appeared in 'Around the Horn' since a 2010 arrest, which he declared without obligation. Hill has rarely stayed quiet when others mention their name, since it is a constant objective due to its interaction with Trump.

“I really do not appreciate Jay bringing my name to this or my friend Michael Smith,” Hill said in X. “For one, I don't even know Jay like this. And secondly, I began to do AT in 2007 or 2008. Donald Trump was obviously not in office then, so he suggested that ESPN began to put the anti-trump people in the program on purpose is only a silly statement.

'The beauty of AH is that it was a mechanism to obtain a variety of voices in the air. It has launched and promoted many races, including mine. Having a series of more than 20 years on sports television is a testimony of what became an institution this program.

More than two dozen panelists revolve as taxpayers in the current version of the program.

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By Kevin Rogers

Kevin is a seasoned sports journalist with 15 years of experience covering major leagues, including the NFL, NBA, and MLB. His dynamic commentary and expert game analysis connect with fans across all sports, ensuring reliable and engaging coverage. Phone: +1 (212) 574-9823

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