Connor Tomlinson
'Love in the spectrum' star
Has dating council for single men !!!
“Love on the Spectrum” is preparing for the third season, and one of the main stars. Connor TomlinsonUse his experiences on the show to spend dating advice.
We caught up Connor and his mother Liseat Lax Tuesday, and let's just say we have a crash course in dating from him – he has some very Handy tips and tricks for all the individual boys looking out there for love.
After he was navigating for S2 and the coming third season on the show that the young adults navigated in autism spectrum, it is clear that Connor has recorded a lot of clues – so you want to catch them all in our full clip!
We also grill him whether he received inspiration from other dating shows. While his mother says he does his own thing, Connor mentioned a show that generally had a significant impact on pop culture.
Connor also spilled the beans with its perfect date idea – and trust us, it is as heartwarming as possible! Capture it in action when S3 from “Love on the Spectrum” falls on Netflix on April 2, which happens to be the day of autism sensitization day. Perfect timing, right?