Wendy Williams
I'm afraid, judge, Guardian will make my life hell …
The whole thing is a crock !!!

Wendy Williams Accompanied emotional thinking about a recent threat to the judge in her guardianship … cried over the idea of getting into a more restrictive facility for supported lifespan than the one that she describes as a luxury folk.
The former talk show presenter joined “TMZ Live” on Wednesday and we asked her if the judge was angry with her to set even more restrictions On her.
Wendy spoke to us almost 20 minutes from her room in Mount Sinai West Hospital in NYC, where she is released and sent back to a residential center called Coterie … a … a Place she hates with a passion.
In our conversation, Wendy expressed concerns about the threat of the judge … As she put it, things on the memory unit on the 5th floor in which she lives are already bad … and the idea of a little restrictive is rather frightening.

Wendy's guardian claims that things are great with Coterie … that Wendy can come and go, how she likes and her family can visit her in the drop of the hat – but Wendy says that this is wrong and calls her guard. Sabrina MorrisseyA liar … tell us how your life is really in the facility. The points of view are polar opposites.
WW also shared her thoughts about the judge Lisa SokoloffWendy's contempt shows that it is used for themselves in the media. There is a lot that Wendy wants to say, but she is limited to the PG version.

The full interview is broadcast on “TMZ Live”.