Me and Mauricio are … only friends
No really !!!

Watch what happens live
Anitta Just set the data record – or at least try – When she is grilled by her connection Mauricio Umansky After her Aspen Rendezvous … and her answer definitely left space for interpretation.
The Brazilian bomb was on the hot seat “Watch What Hasing Live” when Andy Cohen Powers her to the pictures in December 2023 – and although she technically contested any romance, her choice of words and this astonishing body language, she suggested that the story gave more.

December 2023
Anitta began to call Mauricio a great person, and insisted that she only met him on the same day when he played cameraman while she and Lele pons drove down the slopes Wear nothing but towels.
But when Anitta was pushed to see if they were still in contact, he hesitated just enough to raise the eyebrows.
“We always talk, we became very good friends,” she said – just to cause the audience's reaction to double her, “No, we became good friends!” Sure, Anitta, whatever you say.
When Andy reminded that her Mauricio was single and asked if something romantic had happened between them, Anitta said no. And when she was asked if she would go out with someone, she stayed as a standstill again and replied: “I don't know.” Girl, this is not no!
Dodge anittas and stalling, and these mixed signals make it really difficult to buy the “just friends” -act – but if someone doesn't get clean, we just have to let each other and you do or not, your thing!