Almost a year after the death of OJ Simpson, the Great Heisman Trophy of the NFL and accused the Heisman Trophy of Murderer has reached the auction block along with several personal memories.
The true Heisman Simpson won in 1968 when a corridor in southern California was sold at an auction in 1999 for $ 255,000 to help pay his compensatory and punitive damage of demand for unfair death presented by the families of his ex -wife Nicole and her friend Ronald Goldman.
Simpson was famous for his 1994 murders before being found responsible for a preponderance of the evidence of both deaths in 1997. He was ordered to pay $ 33.5 million in compensatory and punitive damages.
However, Goldman's father, Fred, alleged in the judicial documents that Simpson still owes more than $ 117 million with interest after the death of Buffalo Bills Legend for prostate cancer in April.
But while it is believed that Simpson's true heisman is owned by a renovated collector, according to ESPNThe replica trophy granted to his Alma Mater, USC, has since reached the auction.

The true Heisman Simpson won in 1968 was sold at an auction in 1999 to help pay damage to unfair deaths, ex -wife Nicole (near the left) and his friend Ronald Goldman (right)

While it is believed that Simpson's true heisman is owned by a collector, according to ESPN, the replica trophy granted to his alma mater, USC, has reached an auction

The most popular element seemed to be the Bible given to Simpson and registered by his close friend, the late Robert Kardashian, during his judgment for murder of 1994.

A Bible given to OJ Simpson by his friend Robert Kardashian is scheduled to be auctioned in March

An article is an Autographed image of OJ Simpson with President Bill Clinton
ESPN reported in 2024 that Heisman's replica was stolen years before finding his way back to school. What is not clear is how the trophy was USC to the Simpson estate, which put the article for an auction in
In any case, the offers for the Heisman replica reached $ 8,000 from Friday night. The tender will end on March 29.
Other elements at stake include the Track and Field Medal of the NCAA of Simpson, a 1974 Vince Lombardi Prize for establishing the NFL record with 2,003 yards, as well as a piano that it owned and an autograph photo of the Hall of Fame with President Bill Clinton.
The most popular element seemed to be the Bible given to Simpson and registered by his close friend, the late Robert Kardashian, during his judgment for murder in 1994.
The farm of the farm, Malcom Lavergne, revealed that, unfortunately, they had to reject the offer of $ 15,000 of Kim Kardashian in the Bible that his father gave to Simpson, who died on April 10, 2024, because it was “too late to buy it outside the auction.”
Lavergne revealed to TMZ that Kim's team contacted him last month after learning that some of Simpson's personal effects were going up.
This included a Bible, with a handwritten note inside, written by Robert to Simpson. Registration says: 'OJ, this book will help. God loves you and he will talk to you with his words. Read this book every day. God has a definitive plan for your life. You are your son and he will use you again. I love you and God loves you. – Robert.
Offers for the Bible had reached $ 10,000 until Friday night.
While Simpson was never convicted of murder, he was sentenced by armed robbery in Nevada in 2008 and subsequently turned nine years in prison despite being sentenced to 33.