'Ku Man' & 'Rambo' Star
My buddy Sly will thrive Hollywood again !!!

Martin Kove Is enthusiastic his old buddy Clever has become a Hollywood ambassador by president Donald Trump … 'because he believes that the city has lost its magic by becoming too political – and who better than “Rambo” to align things?
TMZ met with the icon “Karate Kid” and “Cobra Kai” in Lax … and he said that Sly is ready to sweep H'wood's leg if this has to be done to bring back artistic sensitivity.
MK is confident – together with Jon Voight And Mel GibsonAlso appointed by Trump – Hollywood will again bring to the production of high -quality entertainment and make the industry scrap the soap boxes.

That means … Martin said he was impressed by the films that were nominated for Oscars this year – and that the show was not too political … So he believes that it is clearly moving in the right direction.

The best known for the Badass “Karate Kid” villain John Circles … Martin tells “Cobra Kai”, which comes to an end, is bitter -sweet – but he has several projects, including a new film and comic, on which he works with his son.
Conclusion … Martin will not slow down anyone who suggests.