Aaron Goodwin
Files for divorce …
After Ms. supposedly tried to hire Hitman to kill him
Aaron Goodwin'S officially submitted to be divorced by his wife … not a shock because the police arrested her because she supposedly tried to hire someone who killed him.
The star “Ghost Adventures” submitted the document in Nevada on Wednesday … The court asked the court not to give anyone in the case, while he also asked to be repaid for the legal fees.
In view of what's going on, there is really no riddle about the divorce Victoria“” Views, taste, preferences and dislikes “have not become compatible” to live together as a husband and wife. “
We broke the story … Victoria was arrested Last week after the police said she sent an inmate in Florida about killing her husband.
You and the inmate – Grant amato – are said to have put $ 11,000 aside to pay someone to kill Aaron … whom we later learned how we learned about the shocking news on the set of “Ghost Adventures” While cameras rolled.

Victoria denied that she ever wanted her husband to be killed … and claimed that she thought the money was for cell phones. Amato is currently serving time in prison because he killed his mother, father and brother.
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Incidentally, after the divorce registration, Aaron and Victoria married in 2020-obhewly they only had their wedding ceremony in Disneyland in 2022 due to the Covid 19 pandemic.