Alexis Skyy
Say my whole truth …
Claims ex-Friend first met her !!!

Alexis Skyy Says that everyone has to pump the brakes when it comes to the new video supposedly showed her that she attacked a man … and claims that it does not tell the whole story – because it has not started violence.
The star “Love & Hip Hop” went on Instagram live on Thursday to tell her side of the alleged argument … and claimed that she had allowed it Anthony Gaskin – The man accused Skyy of the attack in her life as a business partner and even gave him accommodation.
Skyy says that Gaskin paid her generosity back by stealing her steel … before she came to her front door one day, she hit her and threw a fresh air on her face.
The reality TV star says that after Anthony had hit her, he feared retaliation measures … and decided to smear them on the Internet, call child protection services for them and distribute their family through drug use.
Note … Skyy does not provide any specific evidence to secure these serious allegations – but she says she will publish the receipts in due course.
We broke the story … Alexis seemed to confront the gas kin in the hallway in October – even land on him During the tense exchange.
The film material also shows a few other people who beat and kick gas children before thrusting it to the ground.
Sources of law enforcement say that TMZ Skyy is a suspect in a simple attack examination.
We turned to Gaskin … so far no word back.