Bill Maher
Screw “ymca”, Dylan has our hymn …
Everything is broken !!!

president Donald Trump Could sit down for this news, but “YMCA” is not America's unofficial hymn – not after Bill MaherWho says Bob Dylan'S has the perfect melody for our times.
How many people feel pretty salty these days in almost everything, and he discharged the episode of “real time” on Friday evening … with Dylan's 1989 track “Everything is broken” as a great American metaphor.
Government, healthcare, education, immigration, media, racial relationships – make your choice.
He raised all the DC, regardless of the party, and complained that a country that is as rich as America is as unhealthy as it is … and really nailed it with this (punch) line: “It is enough to make you sick, but you can't afford it.
The cost of living almost everywhere, especially NYC, really does not earn dollars and no sense of Bill – and he points out that Taylor Swift Tickets and food food, they are still screwed. You just don't know yet.
As for immigration – he says, yes, the southern border are flooded, but there is good news about who stays in Central and South America!
Of course, Maher managed to give all of this a positive shoot and to remind his audience from the fact that there is almost always a “reasonable centric position” to deal with America's topics.
But until someone takes over this position … continue playing, bob!