Christine Quinn
The alienated husband would not leave me at home …
He would crawl under my car !!!
Christine Quinn claims her alienated husband Christian Dumontet Would shimmer under her car to prevent her from leaving her home … and she says that she missed working on “selling sunset”.
The Reality TV star has blown up her alienated husband in a new interview PeopleWith the omission of the great length that Christian would allegedly go, he would put on with her.
Christine claimed: “There were times when my husband literally had to go to work and he was under my car.
In addition, Christine claimed that Christine had her outside of her bank accounts, credit cards and e -mail by commanding her phone number.
She claims that he “chopped” her from her whole life and “deprived” her life, where she “literally had nothing” … added, “and it was dehumanism.
TMZ broke the story … Christian applied for a divorce Last April after weeks of volatility between them, which included his attack with a deadly weapon arrest and duel requests for temporary permanent orders.

In retrospect, Christine says that everyone saw the drama, but there were deeper problems under the surface.
We turned to her alienated husband … so far no word back.