Cristina Payne about Corey Holcomb
He lies over our argument …
He beat me, not the other way around !!!
Funny Cristina Payne Says comedian Corey Holcomb Lies about her physical argument outside of a popular comedy club … she says he did it, not the other way around – as Corey now claims.
We got Cristina in the city center of Los Angeles and our photo asked her about Corey's latest legal registration … an injunction request that he claimed that she had padded.
Cristina tells us that Corey turns the story when he is really the attacker … and she says he lies to avoid potential prison hours and protect his new comedy appearance.
Take a look at the clip … Cristina claims Back in December Outside the Hollywood improvter … and she says that everything is on surveillance material.
Cristina claims that she has earned Corey for a dozen years … since he offered her a job in a radio show and she says she has rejected his sexual progress.
She says he threatened to “” “great” this bitch in June and she has witnesses who heard his alleged threat.
Problem is … Cristina claims that Corey has people who are ready to lie for him to support his claim that she did him.
We spoke to Cristina shortly after she came out of a court hearing for Corey's interim arrangement … and a judge planned a hearing for next month.
Cristina rolled with a man named Jamel DotsonWhoever says he saw the whole thing. Jamel told our photo that he was in the improvisation in the question and says that security material shows how Corey gets to Cristina and she beats.
Obviously, Cristina and Corey have different views of what happened … but it sounds like everything was coming out in court.
Stay tuned …