Corey Harrison 'Pawn Stars'
I'm glad to be Rick's best man
… when he asks the question
“Pawn Stars” Star Corey Harrison Is enthusiastic his father Rickmarried – and he is more than happy to be his best man … if that is what Rick decides.
Corey tells TMZ … This will be the third time that he will take part in one of Rick's weddings – after being at his father's side Tracy Harrison 1986 and Deanna Burditt 2013.
“Big Hoss” says he was honored to be his father's best husband, but Rick shouldn't expect a bachelor party or a gift. Corey does not believe that his father would want a bachelor party and jokes: “You can't get married every time you need a toaster!”

May 2024
As we reported, when visiting Chile, Rick put the question To his girlfriend, Angie Polushkin – A Vegas Hospital nurse and presents you with a ring as one of his most valuable possessions from his legendary gold and silver deposit house in Las Vegas.
Corey approves Ricks fiance … tells us that he has hit Angie several times and thinks she is great, and above all she loves Rick. He jokes that she fits perfectly for the family … she has to be a little “screwed up” if she likes Rick!
Corey hopes that Rick and Angie will take a distance … mainly so that he does not have to take care of his father when he is older!