Crying Sobs Star Sobs in the support rally after being accused of baton assault

Alaila Everett exploded in tears thanking her community for her support in a strange rally only one day after she was accused of aggression and assault on hitting an opponent with a cane.

Everette sobbed while taking the microphone and thanked her friends and family for relying on her while facing accusations that he intentionally hit another high school student at a track meeting.

“No one else wanted to listen to my story, except the people who know me, and the people who know that they would never do any of that,” he said in the rally out of his high school.

'I would never harm anyone. I am not a fighter. I am not even confrontational. I wouldn't even do that on purpose. And I thank everyone for believing in me. And I love them, '' he said in videos obtained by the local affiliate of CBS CBS WTKR News.

While pronouncing her brief speech, rally attendees shouted that supported her and stopped with her.

Everett has argued that he hit his opponent, Kaelen Tucker, by accident while participating in a relay event in a track championship covered in Virginia on March 6.

Tucker was competing with a rival school in the district as a member of Brookville High School in Lynchburg, which is about two hours west of Richmond.

Everett's shocking images hit Tucker in the head with a cane quickly became viral on social networks.

Alaila Everett began to cry when she went to dozens of followers in a rally

Alaila Everett began to cry when she went to dozens of followers in a rally

Everett thanked her community for standing next to her

The teenager delivered a brief speech in her support rally.

Everett spoke in a manifestation of support in her high school after she was beaten with assault positions

Video captured at the time Tucker was hit with a cane and fell to the ground at a meeting

Video captured at the time Tucker was hit with a cane and fell to the ground at a meeting

In the video, you can supposedly see that Everett looked like the cane behind her before hitting Tucker. Tucker then fell to the ground while Everett continued the race.

Everett and his entire team at IC NORCOM High School were disqualified for 'contact interference'.

The star of the track admitted previously that he understood that the video seems to intentionally hit Tucker, but said he would never hurt someone.

However, Tucker did not buy his story, counting the local affiliate of ABC, Wset news“I'm still trying to take everything, I can't believe it happened.”

His mother, Tamarro Tucker, hit the team in Norcom for not registering in his daughter after the accident.

'They do not apologize. There are no coaches. No athlete. There is nothing. Even if it was an accident, I don't think it was … nothing, “he told The Outlet.

Tucker's parents have said since then that Everett's father communicated to apologize and received an apology from the Atlético de Norcom director.

Tucker said in the interview that he just wanted answers and an explanation of Everett.

Everett gave an emotional interview that details the mental health struggles that he has had since the incident at a meeting

Everett gave an emotional interview that details the mental health struggles that he has had since the incident at a meeting

Everett sat with his family for an interview with ABC to advocate for his innocence

Everett sat with his family for an interview with ABC to advocate for his innocence

Everett said in a separate interview that he tried to communicate with Tucker on social networks, but was blocked from his page.

Everett's family has vehemently maintained his innocence, speaking publicly in support of his daughter.

'We will continue to rise and support our son to the maximum. We, as a community, will continue to fight for her ', Everett's father, Genoa Cost, wrote on social networks.

'The truth will be exposed to due time and the moment of God is always perfect. Alaila unit.

Everett said the incident has significantly impacted his mental health, and has received death threats and has been a victim of racial insults since the incident.

Kaelen Tucker, in the photo at a meeting in January, was hit on the head while running at a track meeting

Kaelen Tucker, in the photo at a meeting in January, was hit on the head while running at a track meeting

The president of Portsmouth Naacp, James Boyd, attended the manifestation of support for Everett and said that the threats he received was “unacceptable.”

The community activist Germain Green also went out to support the teenager's family, saying in The Rally: 'It bothered my heart to see how everyone dragged this young woman, dragging her character based on what they thought they saw.

“I just wanted to step forward, talk and bring unity and let this young woman know that the city of Portsmouth supports her.”

The Virginia High School League has said previously that they will not comment on disciplinary actions, but supported the decision to disqualify Everett.

Since then, Tucker has been diagnosed with a brain shock and a possible skull fracture due to the blow.

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By Kevin Rogers

Kevin is a seasoned sports journalist with 15 years of experience covering major leagues, including the NFL, NBA, and MLB. His dynamic commentary and expert game analysis connect with fans across all sports, ensuring reliable and engaging coverage. Phone: +1 (212) 574-9823

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