- Coote was sacked by PGMOL following an investigation earlier this month.
- The former Premier League referee was the subject of two leaked explosive videos
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Disgraced referee David Coote has decided not to appeal his dismissal by the PGMOL, Mail Sport understands.
It officially means the end of Coote's career as a Premier League official after he was sacked by his bosses earlier this month.
That followed the emergence of videos that got Coote into serious trouble, the first apparently showing the 42-year-old bad-mouthing former Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp.
The PGMOL investigation was then expanded to examine another clip that was made public, which allegedly showed him sniffing a white powder through a rolled-up bank note.
Apparently it was taken during the summer Euro Cup. The PGMOL deemed Coote's actions made his position as a Premier League official “untenable” and the organization headed by Howard Webb terminated his employment with immediate effect.
In a statement confirming his dismissal, they said: “David Coote's actions were deemed to be in serious breach of the provisions of his employment contract, and his position was deemed untenable.”

David Coote will not appeal his dismissal by England's refereeing body following a series of leaked videos last month.

In one video, Coote could be heard making derogatory comments about former Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp.
'Supporting David Coote remains important to us and we remain committed to his wellbeing. “David Coote has the right to appeal the decision to terminate his employment.”
However, sources have told Mail Sport that Coote is willing to accept his fate rather than fight to keep his job at the PGMOL.