Ex-MTV moderator Matt Pinfield
He doesn't seem to be incompetent
… gf, push brother back
Matt Pinfield'S friend and brother say that the former MTV host is more communicative than his daughter … because he sang along to music during a recent visit to the hospital.
Matt's daughter Jessica claims that he is incompetent and needs a conservatory after a stroke … but his girlfriend, Kara BrownAnd his brother, GlennSay, you will be freezing and cutting off by Jessica.
Kara and Glenn's lawyer, Todd WolfeTMZ says … Kara had a personal visit to Matt in the Emperor Permanent La Medical Center on Friday afternoon, with Glenn being classified on video.
Todd says he was there too and tells us that Matt is much more communicative than they believe.
We were told that Todd brought a portable turntable and brought Kara a few plates … and Matt lit with joy when they started playing music.
Todd says Matt even sung with Kara Elvis Costello … to tell us that the whole interaction was “beautiful”.
TMZ broke the story … Jessica claimed Submitted for a temporary conservator In order to monitor his bank accounts for fear, his girlfriend will suck out the money.
Kara and Glenn be begging to differ … Kara says she has no access to his money and claims that Jessica threw her out of the hospital. Glenn says Jessica has isolated Matt from the rest of his family.
A judge decided on Thursday Kara, Glenn and her lawyer can now visit Matt in the hospital … and it sounds like the first visit has become better than expected.
The family fight is in full swing … And now Kara and Glenn say that they have even more ammunition in their war against Matt's daughter.