Massachusetts Coast
Fischer catch dead body …
Examined coast guard
A fishing ship off the coast of Massachusetts made a shocking discovery in the water this week … and pulled up a body in your network – and TMZ received a photo of the gruesome scene.
A source with direct knowledge says TMZ … The fishermen pulled the body out of the water early Wednesday morning, about forty miles from Boston.
We were told that the fishermen did not raise much fish this morning … and they were surprised when this special network was so heavy – with tons of fish covering the body.
Our source says that people on board the ship did not know that a body was in their catch until they started to pick through a bunch of fish – but as soon as they reported it to the coast guard.
You can see the body for yourself … Warning, it is a very graphic photo – but it seems to be a person in a suit with a strap that surrounds your body and rinsing her arms.
The public prosecutor of the Suffolk district confirmed all information from our source and communicates TMZ … they are aware of the body – although they are currently not able to confirm their name, age or even gender.
Whether you treat this as a potential murder … which says: “No conclusions at this time. The Chief Medical Examiner office carries out an autopsy. This can help to provide some answers.”
We also contacted the coast guard, which confirmed that they are currently being examined.