Gladys Knight
I caught an evil mistake
… canceled the FL show
Gladys Knight Has caught the beetle and forced her show in Florida to cancel at the weekend.
Florida Theater President In a season delivered the bad news at the last minute ahead of GKS Saturday Night Show in Jacksonville. He says that Gladys and one of their employees were sick in the event location behind the scenes and had to take part in Jacksonville Fire and Rescue. He says, knight “smiled and in good spirits when she left the building.”
Theater officials have not yet found whether the show is being replaced or not, but they should know by the beginning of next week. “If you are unable to take part in a new date as long as you have bought your tickets from the Florida Theater or Floridatheatre.comWe would reimburse your purchase, ”they said.
We turned to GKS representatives to get an update about how she is doing … so far no word back.
Feel better gladies !!