More than three decades after the release of Home Alone – the family/comedy film in which 8-year-old Kevin (played by Macaulay Culkin) is left to fend for himself after his 15 family members leave him behind – is still a top holiday film for many generations.
In addition to Culkin, the main cast also includes Joe Pesci as the little bald burglar Harry, Daniel Stern as the silly and not so intelligent burglar Marv and Catherine O'Hara as Kevin's overwhelmed and loving mother, Kate McCallister.
The silly shenanigans started shortly after Kevin found out he was home alone… Here's a funny photo of the iconic aftershave scene – Macaulay nailed the humor!
Kevin McCallister has come up with some clever pranks to ward off burglars, like throwing the infamous paint can down the stairs of his Chicago home.
Home Alone quickly became a Christmas movie classic and led to five sequels, with Culkin portraying Kevin in Home Alone and Home Alone 2: Lost in New York – seen in this one memorable scene when he meets Harry and Marv again.
Take a walk back to the 90s and see all the important actors with our Home Alone Cast in the Memba Them Gallery!