Horrible block for football legend Dipierdomenico, since his son is imprisoned for crimes related to his game addiction

  • Dylan Dipierdomenico admitted business theft
  • Admitted to 71 cases of robbery for 10 months

The son of an AFL legend will spend nine months after bars for stealing $ 140,000 from a family business.

Dylan Dipierdomenico admitted 71 cases of fraud for 10 months, while he was National Sales Manager in MGI Golf.

He stole $ 140,717.70 of the family administration wholesaler, between August 2018 and June 2019, running fraudulently transactions and creating invoices for clients with their details of the bank account or PayPal.

Since then it has paid around $ 18,000 to the business, however, more than $ 122,000 remains pending.

The son of the AFL Robert 'Dipper' AFL Dipierdomenico said he stole the money due to an addiction to the game, which he is now receiving advice.

Dipierdomenico, who has been released on bail for the crime, faced the Court of County in Melbourne on Thursday, where he learned of his destiny after declaring himself guilty of obtaining properties for deception.

Dylan Dipierdomenic

Dylan Dipierdomenic



During a hearing earlier this month, MGI Golf executive director, Carrie Edwards-Britt, said Robert Dipierdomenico told a mutual friend that he could not understand why she was angry at the situation because it was “only money.”

Judge Richard Maidment gave him a nine -month prison sentence and will have to spend two years in a community work order.

He said that the fact that MGI Golf has not received 'a dollar' since Dipierdomenico was fired in 2019 was 'worrying'.

“You have had five and a half years to pay part of the money you got dishonestly,” the judge told him.

'They told me that I had not had the opportunity to do it due to legal fees.

“A clearer link between that and the remorse would have been to see you put their priorities ahead.”

Dipierdomenico, who will have to spend 200 hours doing supervised community work, was taken to prison of the courts by Custody officers.

He has also been ordered to pay MGI Golf $ 122,550.20.

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By Kevin Rogers

Kevin is a seasoned sports journalist with 15 years of experience covering major leagues, including the NFL, NBA, and MLB. His dynamic commentary and expert game analysis connect with fans across all sports, ensuring reliable and engaging coverage. Phone: +1 (212) 574-9823

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