High school sprinter
Beats opponent with a rod
… during the relay race

A sprinter in the Virginia High School is looking for an apology after she was hit in the head by a competitor during a recent meeting and left it with a concussion and “possible skull fracture”.
Everything went on Friday at Liberty University in Virginia during the 4×200 relay race at VHSL Class 3 State Indoor Championship.
As a junior of the Brookville High School Kaelen Tucker Circeration around the corner with senior Then Everett From the IC Norcom High School … the two seemingly bumped arms before Everett swung her truck on the back of Tucker's head.
Tucker told A Local outlet She almost immediately felt the effects of the attack and said that a headache quickly developed after the strike. After a doctor, she was diagnosed with a concussion.
The athletes have not spoken to each other, and Everett says that at first glance the video does not tell the whole story. Talk to local news Power outletShe tried to explain what happened.
“After struck her a few times, my truck stuck behind her back and rolled her back up,” she said. “I lost the balance when I pumped my arms again.”
“They accept my character and call me ghetto and racist dirt, death threats … all of this from a video with nine seconds.”
Everett says she tried to reach Tucker, but was blocked on social media. The family was also served as court files of how the Tuckers asked for a protective arrangement.
The communication director of the Virginia High School League published an explanation of the situation and said they examined.
“It is a serious problem, especially if it contains the safety of athletes in competitions.”