Jay Leno
New neighborhood clock …
Don't put on my tank !!!

Jay Leno Not only brings comedic firepower to a place where he appears … he also brings literal firepower – because he rolled through the streets in a damn tank!
The comedian was caught by a few locals who slowly drove down a residential street … and his head jumped out of the beast. It is unclear whether it is the real deal or a trip that looks like a tank – but he still directs it like a professional.
It is equipped with a massive weapon … Although we doubt that Jay could actually conquer all areas with it. However, it is definitely intimidating – even if Leno is not there because he made a funny convoy with him with the boys who film him.
General Leno jokes, he is on patrol in the neighborhood … keep all in his new armored vehicle.

The boys ask him when he bought it … and it is worth finding friends clearly – because Jay says someone has given him as a gift!
Of course, Leno has a fairly impressive car collection … with everything, from restored jalopies and vintage muscle car to an old fire engine and a train on wheels!
Leno is also known for driving pigs … but he is clearly tactical with his new tank !!!