Kylie Jenner's hairdresser Jesus Guerrero
Felt sick for months before death
Celebrity hairdresser Jesus Guerrero Had lost £ 20 and complained about chills and hot flashes that led to his unexpected death, TMZ learned.
Sources near the situation say TMZ … Jesus has felt sick since September last year, but continued with the labor obligations in Dublin, Ireland and England and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

When Jesus returned to the USA from Dubai from Dubai, he was driven to a hospital in LA on February 21 and died the next day.
We were told that there is no history of drug or alcohol consumption, and an autopsy has been completed … but the toxicological results are still pending.
The death of Jesus was described by his sister and several A-List celebrities as “sudden and unexpected”, with which he has worked together over the years-one one Kylie JennerPresent Jennifer LopezAnd Katy Perry – posted Emotional homage to your friend.
Kylie himself covered the costs Jesus Jesus' body in his family in his hometown Houston, Texas, back to transport, and announced that she would pay for his funeral.

Jesus was 34.
Quiet in peace