The outgoing president Joe Biden had one last act to do on Monday morning, namely the final round of pardons… for other family members.
Just a few minutes before the presidential election Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th President of the United States by the White House issued a statement The statement said Biden's two brothers, sister and other family members would be pardoned to protect them from politically motivated prosecutions after he leaves office.
JB has taken quite a bit of criticism pardon his son Hunter Biden a few weeks ago on gun possession and tax charges, citing a similar motivation – that his son was unfairly targeted because of his father's political status.
In Monday's last-minute pardon, he extended protection to his brother James BidenJames' wife Sarah BidenJoe's sister Valerie Biden Owensher husband John T. Owens and Joe's younger brother Francis W Biden.
The White House statement said: “My family has been subjected to relentless attacks and threats motivated solely by a desire to hurt me – the worst kind of partisan politics. Unfortunately, I have no reason to believe that these attacks will end.”
In the same order, Biden also commuted the life sentence Leonard Peltier had to serve house arrest and pardoned two other men.
Earlier on Monday, Biden issued blanket pardons for Dr. Anthony FauciGene. Mark Milleyand members of Congress who served on the committee that investigated the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, including former Rep. Liz Cheney.