Joe Buddenis a podcast co-host QueenzFlip is defending his friend in the wake of the rapper's indecency allegations … and he says the incident won't hurt their work.
We caught up with QueenzFlip in New Jersey and our photographer asked him about Joe's alleged nude event last month…the one where his neighbors claim he showed up at their door in his birthday suit.
QueenzFlip says Joe will always do well, and he brushes the incident aside…attributing it to JB's sleepwalking.
The podcast is currently on hiatus, but QueenzFlip says that's not the reason Joe is accused …tells us that Joe is taking a vacation to start the new year.
When Joe is back in Jersey, Queenzflip says the podcast will be back up… naked accusations be damned.
Conclusion from Queenzflip…Joe is the “Podfather” and he can't be stopped!!!