Killer Mike
Grammy's security embarrassed me …
I was arrested for no reason !!!
Killer Mike Things sued the grammys about the arrest of last year … and he is blame for the private security services that were hired to work at the event.
In a new lawsuit that was obtained by TMZ, the rapper said that he was stopped on the way to the red carpet for photos and media interviews, even though he won a number of awards and won all the necessary authorizations for access to the secure area .

Killer Mike says that the two companies who commissioned the Grammys for security on the 2024 – S&S Labor Force Inc. and JRM private security – to have too much power … which led to that that led to the fact that he was illegally placed under the arrest of the citizen.
Mike says that security had attacked him physically and beat him by holding him on him and in full perspective restricted him to the audience … and Mike said that they caused him emotional distress and public humiliation.
In the documents, Mike said that he had been illegally arrested when the security put him in the false in advance of the citizen … and he said that it led to a Grammy Award for a huge television audience.
As we reported, Killer Mike was finally released from police custody after the award ceremony … and a few months later, The prosecutors refused to pursue criminal charges against him.
Mike says that the entire saga caused him unnecessary public embarrassment, distress and professional damage … and he pursues the security company for damage.
We have contacted the companies … so far not a word back.