Massive reconstruction is needed in Los Angeles after devastating wildfires wiped entire neighborhoods from the map and local architects John Cordic says the city can be rebuilt in a few years…as long as city officials cooperate.
John was on “TMZ Live” on Monday and we asked him the question on many people's minds: How long will it take to rebuild LA?!?
Given that over 12,000 buildings burned in the Palisades and Eaton fires, it's a monumental task that will require a Herculean effort… but John says architects and engineers are ready to get on board as quickly as possible to start work…and he thinks 2 to 3 years is the best scenario.
The problem…John says building permits that used to take weeks to obtain can now take years…and that process needs to be streamlined if LA wants to avoid a long rebuild.
John says that in LA it often takes longer to get permits than to actually build the house… and he explains how a number of government agencies delay the process, especially for people in Malibu and the Palisades dealing with the The coast must begin to be rebuilt.
The good news…John says we can make getting approvals easier again without having to rewrite a lot of code or create a new commission…and he gives us a quick solution.
And in a fortuitous moment, the governor of California… Gavin Newsom announced an executive order this weekend … waiving some environmental requirements for building permits for businesses and homeowners to speed recovery efforts — and he has promised to look for more ways to get things done faster. The executive order also protects homeowners from price gouging.
John says developers are ready to raise LA from the ashes… if the city adapts.
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