Mark WahlbergHis winter body puts others to shame… The actor continues to flaunt his slim body in short shorts during his stay abroad in Barbados.
Check it out… Marky Mark had fun in the Caribbean sun this week, splashing around in the crystal blue water in a pair of teeny-tiny patterned swim trunks. The swimsuit is the same one the action star wore earlier in the vacation as he showed off his ripped six-pack abs and tucked-up legs to fellow beachgoers.
Even when Mark tried to protect his body from the tropical sun by donning a white polo shirt, his bulging pecs were still clearly visible.
This isn't necessarily surprising considering Mark has a number of projects in the works, including the big screen adaptation of The Six Billion Dollar Man – based on the 70s TV series The Six, Million Dollar Man,” because hey, inflation.

Despite his busy schedule, Mark still makes time for his family… his wife Rhea was spotted bathing with her celebrity husband at the start of their vacation.
It is currently unclear whether the couple's four children – Ella, Michael, BrendanAnd grace – accompanied the couple on their trip to Barbados… but they're still making the most of their absence.
Maybe that's why Mark broke out the sexy shorty shorts more than once this vacation… and we're not complaining!!!