'Octomom' Nadya Suleman
I should have sued my fertility document !!!
“Octomom” Nadya SulemanThe international fame after the granting of the first healthy octulls in 2009, now says that she has only regret about her family trip … without taking her overactive fertility doctor to court.
The mother of 14 children told People At that time she hoped for just another child … but she says Dr. Michael Kamrava She informed that he had implanted six embryos via IVF. He had actually implanted 12 embryos. Kamrava has had its since then Revoke medical license.
Suleman says she was an unfortunate only child … and saw herself as an adult have seven children. She says … “I may have revised with children. I do not intend to have so many.”
Nadya already had six children when she got pregnant with eight – 8! – Children at once. All of their children were created by in vitro fertilization, all of which were implanted by Kamrava. It was a controversy when it later became known that he had implanted the 12 embryos – not two that is the standard.
Nadya was known at the time when she had released her eight new babies and had to make the public for financial support.
Now she says … “I regret that I did not sue the infertility doctor. I definitely regret that his insurance company would have been the one who had paid and it would have been a few million and it would have been helpful for my family.”
She says she is grateful to Kamrava, but she only “violated Hipaa” after the employees had leaked her medical information.
Two new lifetime shows – “I was Octomom” and “Confessions of Octomom” – will be released on Saturday and next Monday.