Only fans pornstar
Falls from the hotel balcony to death
During the three -way shooting
The Hotel Balcony Threear in Brazil has a tragic turn when it fell into her death.
Anna Beatriz Pereira Alves -Alias ”Anna Polly” sausage on the ground floor of the upper Mont Blanc Hotel, northwest of Rio de Janeiro, found dead last week. The sun.
The Brazilian authorities get involved in details of their death … When their two male scene partners tell completely different stories about what was going on during their wild shooting.
The Costars, who are only fans actors, were published after survey -but the Baixada Fluminense Murder unit has not yet excluded the foul game.
The police also check the Hotel -CCTV, grill the staff and dig through Anna's cell phone as they are related to what really happened.
The autopsier results have not yet been published, so it is still unclear whether Anna had drugs in her system or whether there were signs of sexual violence.
Anna's friend, Pedro Henrique – If you were not part of the incident, there was social media, with a broken heart and hoped that the investigators would get to the bottom of what happened.
Anna was 27.
Quiet in peace