Make room …
The court leaves after a $ ap rocky support

Rihanna's back and rocks the world of everyone when she left the courthouse in the city center of her husband, where her husband A $ ap rocky his criminal proceedings go through.
The singer kept the style parade running and wore a trench coat and brown boots when she was filmed when she left the courthouse on Thursday with a bodyguard … her fourth time to support her partner in the exam.

Of course, her presence is not reserved-Riri is, so the media court was inevitable. She knew it came, so she flew under the radar on the first day and slipped undetected into the courthouse, but since then she had to enter and go through the regular areas.
Once inside, things were cold – She was seen as she was sitting with his familyIncluding his mother and sister when the process progresses.

A $ ap rocky's in court because he supposedly shot his former friend A $ ap relli During a heated 2021 showdown in Hollywood.

Rocky hit it with two charges for assault after his arrest from 2022 in Lax … just a few moments after the plane with which he had ended up with Rihanna from her trip to Barbados.
When Rocky is convicted, Rocky looks at up to 24 years in prison … but so far he seemed to be quite confident and reject a plea deal.