A $ ap rocky trial
Rihanna rocks to the courthouse

Rihanna could only escape the paparazzi for so long A $ ap rocky'S la trial … The singing sensation was now included in the courthouse with a bodyguard.
TMZ received a video in which Riri looks sophisticated when she went to the La Superior Court building in downtown La Schlendert
Look at it … Riri wears a noble suit and a jacket when she goes into the courthouse with two men – one of them seems to be her muscle.
We have given a $ AP and his legal team with the senior lawyer Joe Tacopina – were already in the courtroom with everyone else.
Looks like Rihanna tried to slip undetected … but that was clearly not happening this time.
In today's procedure, a little drama … shortly before the lunch break, Tacopina got into a heated screaming match with a prosecutor. At that point, Rocky, who gave Rihanna a kiss – literally had to hold back that JT got into the face of the public prosecutor. Rihanna then left the courtroom.

As you know, Rihanna's appeared to In the last two days in court to support Rocky – her long -standing partner – during his attack process and to watch his former friend. A $ ap rellitestify against him. She was sitting with the public with Rocky's mother and sister in the gallery.
The prosecutors accused Rocky about a heated dispute on a sidewalk in LA in 2021.
To date, Rihanna has been able to fly under the radar of photographers who cover the process. Sorry Riri … can't win them all!