Wheelchair police chase
You see me roll, you have it !!!

Tiktok / @bnidniz
High -speed hunt belong to the past after a suspected shoplifter bravely made a brave effort to avoid an arrest of a motorized wheelchair.
In a video that makes the rounds online, the suspect in question, which is dressed in a blue buffer jacket, runs out of a parking space and runs in your wheelchair as quickly as possible – while a British police car is being followed.
The suspicious woman refuses to run over, even though the bobbies fit her on the street with sirens.
Tikok users get a kick from the suspect's attempt to escape … And many roasted the local authorities because they pursued the woman with wheelchair users so hard.
The police's chase was just as much an effort as a security problem, the police said.
A spokesman for the South Yorkshire police shares TMZ with … The authorities will receive a call on Sunday at 12:25 p.m. for potential shoplifting in the Meadowhall Shopping Center in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England.
The cops were looking for a 33-year-old woman who was suspected to wipe some high-quality goods … before fleeing her mobility device before the scene.
We were told that the police are pursuing the woman, not only because of the claim of shoplifting, but because she drove irregularly. There were concerns about women's security and others who drove on the street.
As you can see in the video, the woman in question tried to flee from the authorities … But law enforcement tells us that they were finally arrested and the stolen objects were restored.
The spokesman has since admitted that the woman has admitted to having stolen the goods since then … and was treated for an “out -of -court decision”.