Wendy Williams sounds like the same person from 10 years ago and shows no signs of disability…says TMZ's executive producer Harvey Levinwho just spoke to her on the phone for 90 minutes.
Harvey is shocked that the person he spoke to is under a guardianship that deprives them of their personal and financial freedom. She was clear, articulate, opinionated and therefore… a far cry from the picture painted by her guardian's attorney, who said she was permanently disabled due to frontal lobe dementia.
Wendy showed no misjudgment, no hesitation at all. Charlamagne, the god was also on the call, and Harvey agrees with his assessment that Wendy is anything but disabled.
Wendy has struggled with substance abuse in the past, but when she spoke to TMZ on the phone, she was clearly clean. This raises a serious question…when the judge placed Wendy under conservatorship, was it more about alcohol than illness?
Us in Miami Podcast
Roberta Kaplanthe authorized representative for guardianship, told us Wendy has good days and bad days. Maybe it's a coincidence, but today she seemed fine, yesterday she seemed fine doing several interviews, and Charlamagne has spoken to her several times in the last week or so and she was fine too.
Power 105.1 / The Breakfast Club
The question…is Harvey wrong to think that Wendy could do better as a free person with a sober coach than being held in an assisted living facility under strict guardianship?