The ESPN cameraman quickly cuts while the scarce woman's fan is caught in a scandalous sexual act

ESPN was forced to quickly separate from two scarcely dressed fans on Saturday afternoon, after catching them inadvertently taking sensual selfies in the stands.

The live baseball transmission+ College of Carolina @ East Carolina del Este took a strange turn at the top of the third inning, when the camera cut two students who seemed not to have a real interest in what was happening in the field.

The two women, a blonde, with sunglasses and a low cutting upper part, and the other brunette in a baseball cap, seemed to be taking selfies on their phones.

The announcer was stunned when one of the fans seemed to take a picture of her, before both women inspected the result on their phone.

“Obviously, his glasses are not reading glasses,” was the commentator's only response, before the camera is quickly reduced to action.

Perhaps, as expected, social networks were in flames with comments and the video quickly accumulated more than three million visits in less than two hours.

ESPN+ cameras cut two fans with scarcely dressed in the stands in East Carolina on Saturday

ESPN+ cameras cut two fans with scarcely dressed in the stands in East Carolina on Saturday

Incredibly, one of them was then caught taking a selfie from her

Incredibly, one of them was then caught taking a selfie from her

The two women examined the photo when the ESPN cameras quickly reduced to the action.

The two women examined the photo when the ESPN cameras quickly reduced to the action.

“Give an increase to that cameraman,” one wrote, while another added: “ESPN has found a way to increase the qualifications.”

Others desperately tried to look for the fan's social media account, while some noticed a very young fan in the corner of the screen not in the game, but in taking women's selfies.

The initial publication in X said: “In no way were they caught taking a photo of a ** on television,” before being followed with the clip and legend: “The biggest moment in ESPN Plus History.”

Seconds after the moment of classification X, the transmission returned to a more friendly content for the family, capturing a mother and her little daughter chatting in the stands.

In the game itself, the Carolina coast was left without comfortable 9-1 winners about its rivals of the ECU.

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By Kevin Rogers

Kevin is a seasoned sports journalist with 15 years of experience covering major leagues, including the NFL, NBA, and MLB. His dynamic commentary and expert game analysis connect with fans across all sports, ensuring reliable and engaging coverage. Phone: +1 (212) 574-9823

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