Texas Democratic Party
Mass deportation is bad for the economy, all of you !!!

Candace Soplett And Marisela AraminoMembers of the Democratic Party Tarrant County in Texas, issue a strict warning as president Donald Trump Orders against illegal immigration … in the opinion that the recent mass arrests could have a bad ripple effect.
The women who have coordinated the rallies in Texas against Ice's increase in raids tell TMZ … there is a misunderstanding about who is targeted and explains that it is not only arrested by the workers, but also the most important ones Investigation of the most important economic economy-in-case-in-case-in-case-looking intelligence-a single-in-case-by-case basis, a teacher, doctors, bank employees and engineers.

Fox news
As Candace puts it, the raids violate the “structure of the constitution”, which encourages people to come to the United States of America in order to build a better life.
She adds … “We have the highest population of immigrants in our district. Our economy will fall apart on site … This is a reality. That is the understanding of how much has been put into this community.”

Instagram / @Seleenagomez
Candace's message is clear – without these people and their contributions to the community, “Texas will drop” … on a micro and macro scala.
Marisela cosigned Candaces point and emphasizes how even representatives are immigrants at the local level and the uncertainty in Trump's second administration is exposed to … something that should not only be concerned about the locals.
For this reason, Candace and Marisela continue to coordinate their “Keep families” … in the hope that they can create a safe space for people to protest against these deportations and to strengthen the voices of the underrepresented voices.