Travis Barker
Imprisoned firefighters are so inspiring …
People can change !!!
Travis Barker Says he is overwhelmed by the occupants that fought against the forest fires in Los Angeles … and tell us that this is the proof that people who have made bad decisions can still do good.
The drummer from Blink-182 was with us on Thursday at “TMZ Live” and we asked him about it The visit this week With a group of prisoners who work 24-hour layers as firefighters.
Travis was super inspired when he heard of the non -violent safety prisoners who fight against the flames for one dollar an hour … and he wants to use his platform to give them the recognition they deserve.
According to TB, many of these occupants got into trouble when they were young and the fires give them the opportunity to make something positive out of their lives … instead of rotting in a cell.
Travis' Visit clearly left a big impression … look at the full interview on “TMZ Live”.