Incident with street tear
Fireworks in the woman's car …
Dashcam video

Kitsap County Sheriff's Office
Two vehicles got into a creepy street rage, in which fireworks were started out of the window of a truck in a car – and the police are now looking for the culprit.
On February 1, the Dashcam video conquered the wild scene in the Kitsap County of the US state of Kitsap County and shows a Dodge pick-up that tracks the car as she drives down a street.
The dash cam, which was attached to the car driven by a woman, filmed the truck with a person behind the steering wheel and a passenger when they were traveling forward.
The passenger of the truck begins with fire firing from a window from a window to the car and causing the frightened driver to try to move away.
But the truck followed her and shot the Roman candles in her car until she turned into the parking lot of a Fred Meyer shop.
The truck then raced.
The Kitsap Sheriff's Office, which the Dashcam video has released on Instagram, asks everyone with information about the truck or its residents to contact them.
What triggered the rage of street is still being examined … but luckily nobody was injured.