The recent amputation of the right foot to wash Ball does not seem to be reducing the famous NBA father.
In a recent 11 second clip of his sneakers line, Big Baller Brand, the 57 -year -old man looks and spreading his arms to the camera before making a gesture in the void beyond his right spin.
Ball does not communicate anything in the video in addition to his own good mood. Father Lamelo and Lonzo, as well as his Hip-Hop brother Brother Liangelo, the specific medical problem of washing remains a mystery.
Since his February surgery, Ball has been seen moving with the help of a scooter, including a photo of self -social networks with Lamelo, the star shipowner of the Charlotte Hornets.
He addressed fans after the procedure, although without offering any detail.
'Everyone listened to what happened and everyone can take my foot, but do you know what you can't take? That Primby account, 'he said washing the camera in reference to the Tiktok account.

In a recent 11 second clip of its sneakers line, Big Baller Brand, washing is seen gesturing in the vacancy beyond its right pimple. He had his right foot amputated last month

Surgery did nothing to clean the 57 -year face smile
Ball has been filming videos for Primby during the last month or so.
Then he threw himself to a 'tweaker' choir: the viral rap blow of his middle son Liangelo.
On the back of his viral success 'Tweaker', Liangelo signed an agreement with Def Jam and Universal Music Group for $ 8 million guaranteed, with the agreement potentially increasing to $ 13 million, in January.
In addition, Liangelo will have his own seal, Born2ball Music Group, and has all his music.
Lava attended West Los Angeles College, Washington State and Cal State Los Angeles to play basketball. However, despite his own statements that he could have defeated Michael Jordan one by one, his career at school was never too much.
Later he played a year of university football at the Long Beach City College before an invitation of training camp with the New York Jets in 1994.
Lava began the Big Baller brand with Alan Foster in 2016, promising to use their own children to market shoes instead of allowing them to sign lucrative agreements with Nike or Adidas.
Later, the brand was criticized for its prices, which initially reached $ 495. The Big Baller brand also obtained a F of Better Business Bureau about a series of customer complaints, much of which implied shipping delays.
BBB finally cut the ties with Foster amid the concerns of his criminal past and his alleged channel of $ 1.5 million in the money to wash several commercial accounts.
Foster then demanded Lamelo, washing and his wife Tina Ball for more than $ 200 million for accusations of registered trademark, intentional interference with contractual relationships, unfair enrichment and malicious prosecution.

Wash Ball, father of Lonzo, Liangelo and Lamelo, 57, recently amputated his foot

Washing is famous for its ambitious plans for your children (in the photo LR: Lamelo, Liangelo and Lonzo)

Lamelo Ball has signed with a rival shoes line, Puma, amid legal battles in his father's mark
Since then, Lamelo has signed with a rival shoes brand, Puma, and presented its own counterclaim against Foster on Wednesday, arguing that the “plaintiff abandoned any supposed rights” on the intellectual property in question: sportswear.
Liangelo made national news while visiting China with his now teammates from Ucla Bruins in 2017. Together with his first -year partner Jalen Hill and Cody Riley, Liangelo admitted designer sunglasses from a Louis Vuitton store in Hangzhou, where the team kept in their season against Georgia Tech in Shanghai in November 10.
The three spent less than two days in jail before being released and finally sent back to the United States on November 14.
Liangelo would finally thank Trump for helping to ensure his release, although he would then play the president's role.
'WHO?' Ball asked Aash Markazi from in 2017. 'What was he there? Don't tell me anything. Everyone wants to make it look like it helped me.