Power 105.1 / The Breakfast Club
Wendy Williams says her “life sucks” and feels trapped, like she's in prison… and it's all because she's stuck in a conservatorship even though she's not “cognitively impaired.”
In a rare interview, Wendy opens up about her lack of well-being on The Breakfast Club, where she details how she has been abused by her conservator over the past three years. Sabrina Morrissey.
Wendy called into the popular radio show because she couldn't leave the so-called “luxury prison.” Wendy was accompanied on the call by her niece. Alexwhich helped to learn more about Wendy's poor living conditions.
Alex says Wendy is stuck in a small room in NYC with only the bare essentials, including only one window that doesn't provide Wendy with enough sunlight. Wendy doubled down on her statement, saying she felt isolated and that the people at the facility were “not my thing.”
Another scary detail… Wendy says that one of the few interactions she has with other people is having “nannies” come into her room daily to hand out unknown pills. Charlamagne, the god When she followed up, she told Wendy not to take the pills, and Wendy said she had only taken two pills in her entire life.
One of the most disturbing revelations…Wendy says she can only use phones one way. She can call family and friends, but they can't call her. She also can't scroll on her phone and doesn't have a laptop or iPad.
At one point, Wendy burst into tears over the possibility of not being able to be with her father in Miami for his 94th birthday. Once again, Wendy says all decisions are in Morrissey's hands and it's unclear whether her trip will be approved.
Wendy also hints that she is in financial trouble by saying that she only has $15 and her “money is in jail.”
Another incredibly emotional moment as Wendy reveals that two beloved cats were taken away from her without her knowing. Wendy has been with her cats since she moved to NYC after her divorce … and said she recently learned they were “sold” without her knowledge. The exact details of the removal of their pets are unclear.