Wendy Williams
Guardianship judge Sauer, she speaks to the media …
Threatens even more restrictions
The judge in Wendy Williams'Preliminary case is fed up with Wendys “behavior” … and wants it to change to another facility … probably with even narrower restrictions.
TMZ is informed in an e -mail judge Lisa Sokoloff Delayed by Wendy's lawyer … And the judge has problems hiding their contempt for the former talk show presenter. The judge refers to an earlier hearing in which she ordered Wendy being transferred to a new facility.
Apparently Wendy's lawyer fired back and said it was wrong to put her into a even more restrictive facility than in the time she is – a residential institution called Coterie. The judge wrote in the e -mail … “I have always said that (Wendy) will receive the independence that she can manage. I wonder how well she dealt with the independence she has given.”
Several sources with direct knowledge say TMZ … The judge is angry that Wendy spoke to the media and calls the “luxury prison” about the guardian, the guardianship and the facility in which it is located.
Our sources say that the judge Wendy repeatedly warned not to speak to the media, although the judge never explained why she had a problem with Wendy talking.
In another latest e -mail, judge Sokoloff showed her hand quite clearly and said Wendy's lawyer: “Tell your client if she wants a jury, you should not try to poison the jury pool.”
In other words, the judge is angry that Wendy tells the media that she is not mentally incompetent and should not be locked up in a guardianship. The judge clearly has problems with pronouncing Wendy.
Although Wendy says she feels like a prisoner In Coterie – despite the guardian's lawyer that she is free to come and go – says Wendy that she cannot even leave the memory unit on the 5th floor without a companion to go down the elevator, and as a result she is rarely able to get fresh air. A current employee of the facility confirmed this to TMZ. Wendy cannot get any calls either, she has no internet and says she almost never allowed visitors.

Wendy a mental competence test Monday in the Lenox Hill Hospital, where it stays while doctors carry out other tests. The judge wrote: “The hospital would like to dismiss her. Ms. Morrissey (The Guardian) has institutions that are willing to judge them despite her behavior. She has to return to the Coterie until a new facility can be found.”
People near Wendy tell TMZ … Wendy is prepared to take even more freedom away.