The most important person in Wales' commitment to deliver their records of records in the six nations of this year, may not be coach Warren Gatland or any of his players.
Despite not having won a test in 2024 and with his team in a race of 12 consecutive losses, Gatland has remained in position, but clearly something had to change in its configuration.
Many believe there should be more alterations. However, an arrival is significant.
Andy McCann is not a new face of the Rugby Wales Union. You will not write down an attempt, you will kill a conversion or make a Tackle in the coming weeks. Nor will the players give specific training wisdom.
What he will do, in his role that covers mental skills and performance, is to help Gatland team with his preparation outside the field.
McCann worked with Wales in the first spell by Gatland, from 2009 to 2017, winning favorable criticism. France's defense coach Shaun Edwards said: “He is one of the main operators in his field.” The former Wales and Lions captain, Sam Warburton, added: “Without a doubt, Andy had a great impact on my career.”

The career of 12 consecutive Wales losses included a 16-14 defeat of England on Twickenham in 2024

Warren Gatland remained in the post despite 2024 without victories of his team, but things had to change around them

Andy McCann worked with Wales in the first spell by Gatland, from 2009 to 2017
Warburton and two other Wales stars, George North and Leigh Halfpenny, swore for McCann's methods. Now, his challenge is to work with a Callow squad that has become accustomed to losing. The decrease in Wales in the field can be attributed to several factors and McCann cannot change things without help, but Gatland hopes to have a great impact.
“The positive thing about Andy is that when he appears to the group, he is talking about the realities of professional sport, real life and the creation of resilience in terms of mental hardness,” Gatland said before the discouraging opening on Friday night against France.
'Those are things you need at this level. He has had experiences in the past with players like George and Sam. He brings a great experience, not only in rugby.
'He has worked with Olympic rowers to break the albums. I was with the army. It has a lot of knowledge in other disciplines.
'The message is always the same. It is hard work and is not always easy. You have to be hard. It has already been excellent and began to develop relationships with the team.
Gatland admitted last year that he has to treat his new generation differently. The modern player, which reflects social changes, needs the carrot more than the stick. In the past, Gatland could serve hard criticism. Now you have to step more carefully.
Experienced Liam Williams, back to an injury to start in Paris, admitted that Wales young people have been reluctant to speak at team meetings. If they can find their voices outside the field, they should improve it.
“I have already found Andy a very interesting source of information that you would not hear elsewhere,” Lock Will Rowlands said.

Liam Williams admitted that Wales young people have been reluctant to speak in team meetings

Lock Will Rowlands has found a lot of value in McCann's distinctive workshops
'It seems to have worked with people who deal with high pressure situations: Atlantic rowers, armed forces, rescue services and surgeons. He has strategies on how to calm down and give the best account of yourself.
'There have been some workshops around that and some more to come. There is a lot of value in what Andy can teach us. We are looking to add small percentages that can add a big difference. It can be a very useful resource for all.
Wales has had a minimum time to prepare for Les Bleus and the fact that 11 of his 35 players had to return to the club teams last weekend did not help. Many predict a unilateral contest and Wales' struggles make them favorites to collect the wooden spoon for the second consecutive nations.
However, Gatland has been happy with the preparation, where he has focused on collecting morality. Flanker James Botham is in charge of entertainment of the squad and his organization of a night of arcade games was well received.
Williams and his homonym, Scrum-Half Tomas, are in the fines committee, their status as superior players who ensure that the members of the Junior team are maintained under control.
Guard change also means that team cards has lost many long -standing participants, with Dan Biggar, Gareth Davies, Wyn Jones, Kieran Hardy and Tomas Francis not in this team for several reasons.
Liam Williams is the last man standing and wants Mail Biggar Sport Columnist to return. “We will have to start recruiting when we go to Paris and pleasant! He said.
Like McCann, Adam Jones is a new face that has joined as Scrum coach. The old accessory is a legendary figure and has been a breath of fresh air, which brings energy and not little knowledge.

Wales has had a minimum time to prepare for his clash against France in Paris this weekend

The legendary player Adam Jones is a new face for this group, having joined as Scrum coach
Jones plans to present questionnaires to the Gatland camp. “I often do it with harlequins,” he said. 'I obtained the best score of a sport issue: 18 correct answers in a program. He made Sue Barker's book!
Jones is only with Wales for the six nations with a short -term loan of Harlequins. Alex King, who was in charge of his back, is gone. Rob Howley is now in charge of the attack.
“Things can only improve,” Rowlands said. 'Being discarded is perfect for us. We can go there (Paris) with little expectation. There is only one way to go, above.
Gatland will wait for the return of Liam Williams and Josh Adams, in addition to Lock Dafydd Jenkins, can help maintain a lid in France, which does not have Flament of Thibaud, Charles Ollivon, Gael Fickou and Damian Penaud.
But the success of the six wales nations will be defined by its round shock with Italy in Rome. They won on their last trip in 2023; That is still its last six nations. Lose in the Olympic Stadio this time and another laundering will be on the cards. That, in all likelihood, would lead to Gatland's exit.
Only four years ago, Wales were champions of the six nations and only a Grand Slam were lost. Fans used to wait for victory over France, but things could not be more different now, even if the presence of Liam Williams and Adams in the countryside and Jones and McCann are causes of optimism.